Pushing the Needle Forward on K12 Accessibility
taught by: Carye Edelman , Shira Goldberg , Cari Collins , Roger Steele , Sharon Krevor-Weisbaum , Natalie Shaheen & Jan McSorley
Educational websites, mobile apps, digital curriculum products, and classroom tools must all be viewed through an accessibility lens if students with disabilities are to have equal access to the general curriculum. What does that mean in today’s classroom? What do teachers, administrators, procurement staff, and direct service providers need to know to comply with the law and most importantly, meet student needs? This overview session will provide you with up to date information and go to resources to ensure that we are working together to meet the needs of all kids.
Practical Skills:
- Laws that govern equitable access for students in K-12
- International accessibility guidelines that affect instructional and assessment materials
- Techniques to quickly test whether or not a company’s accessibility claims are true
- Questions to ask vendors about their product that will reveal how accessible it is
- Procurement language and awareness materials for district administrators
- Links to free accessibility testing tools
- Strategies for working with organizations that develop educational materials and encouraging them to prioritize accessibility
- Strategies for how district technology teams can integrate tools and techniques to support diverse learning needs
- Information about what teachers, administrators, curriculum teams and web teams need to know about developing materials that can be accessed by students and parents with various types of disabilities
- Where to find resources and information no matter what the size of your school or district might be
- None