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EOWG co-chairs Sharron Rush and Brent Bakken will be at the W3C Combined Technical Plenary / Advisory Committee Meetings (TPAC) and have offered to host an open forum MeetUp for WAI-IG participants and any others interested in web accessibility.

Announcement: WAI-IG Meetup hosted by EOWG at TPAC

What: Open Forum (come and go as your schedule permits)

When: From 3:30 pm until the end of day (in the Lisbon, Portugal time zone). Monday September 19th

Where: EOWG Meeting room at 1.02, Hall 4, on the First Floor.

WAI-IG participants attending TPAC please stop the EO meeting room any time after 3:30 pm on Monday, September 19th to hear about EOWG current and upcoming projects and share your ideas about how WAI-IG can more actively engage with those activities. As well, please bring any additional ideas for energizing and using the potential of this large group to further the cause of web accessibility going forward.

If you are not attending TPAC in person but would like to share ideas, we would love to hear them right here - please leave comments.

Sharron and Brent say “Thanks and hope to see you!”