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The Accessibility Internet Rally (AIR) is a community hackathon with a unique twist – accessibility! OpenAIR increases awareness of the tools and techniques that make the Internet accessible to everyone - including people with disabilities. AIR benefits nonprofit organizations and schools in your community by providing them with professionally designed, accessible websites.

Teams of professional web developers learn skills to create accessible web content and then use those new skills to create accessible websites for local community groups. The result: dozens of professionally designed, accessible websites are donated to nonprofit groups and hosted for free for one year.

AIR is designed for Web professionals, people who currently create on-line applications and who are proficient in HTML and other techniques for creating Web pages. Through Open-AIR, developers will learn accessible design techniques, have the chance to show off their skills, win prizes, and help local nonprofits do the work that benefits our communities.

Register at http://do.knowbility.org/v/open-air/