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I have recently discovered a new program that may be useful if you teach blind children, or even those with other disabilities. It is called TypeAbility. Step by step, it takes the student through learning all of the keys on a pc keyboard. It is very user friendly, even tells jokes at the end of each lesson. This program could also be useful for older people who are newly disabled and are new to the pc, or not as familiar with some of the keys. You can skip ahead, past the very basics… there are 68 lessons. It is customizable and actually fun!! As a teacher, you can go into the program and read evaluation reports on your students. You can download a free trial, just to give it a shot before buying it.
You can find out more about this program and a few others to help the blind at
You can hear an audio demonstration of TypeAbility and learn about the man behind the program by going to
On a side note, the Freedom Scientific podcasts are very informative and fun to listen to, and you can download the year’s archives.