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Knowbility Color Palette

View the Knowbility Color Palette Contrast Grid (courtesy of EightShapes Design)

  • #FFFFFF $white
  • #F2F2F3 $grey-very-light
  • #E5E6E7 $grey-light
  • #BBBDBF $grey
  • #626366 $grey-dark
  • #121313 $black
  • #D3C5D5 $purple-light
  • #6E2F75 $purple
  • #36173A $purple-very-dark
  • #66B9E7 $blue-light
  • #397193 $blue
  • #062434 $blue-very-dark
  • #D7141B $red
  • #B61116 $red-dark

Full Color Palette

  • #FFFFFFs $white
  • #F2F2F3 $grey-very-light
  • #E5E6E7 $grey-light
  • #BBBDBF $grey
  • #626366 $grey-dark
  • #121313 $black
  • #D3C5D5 $purple-light
  • #6E2F75 $purple
  • #522358 $purple-dark
  • #36173A $purple-very-dark
  • #66B9E7 $blue-light
  • #397193 $blue
  • #08364E $blue-dark
  • #062434 $blue-very-dark
  • #FF6A6F $red-light
  • #D7141B $red
  • #B61116 $red-dark
  • #6B090D $red-very-dark
  • #49C168 $green-light
  • #0A7039 $green
  • #07542A $green-dark
  • #053D1F $green-very-dark
  • #FFF152 $yellow-light
  • #FFDD17 $yellow
  • #BFA511 $yellow-dark
  • #806E0B $yellow-very-dark
  • #FFB34E $orange-light
  • #EC7E22 $orange
  • #B15E19 $orange-dark
  • #753E10 $orange-very-dark
  • #8CDDCE $teal-light
  • #45D0B5 $teal
  • #05AC8C $teal-dark
  • #007E66 $teal-very-dark


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Base Font

Alda Regular
Alda Regular Italic
Alda Bold

Secondary Font

Mr Eaves XL Modern Narrow Book
Mr Eaves XL Modern Narrow Bold


H1 80/80

H2 80/80

H3 40/40

H4 40/40

H5 30/40
H6 24/36


Paragraphs use Alda Regular (20px/32px) for body copy.

The French Revolution constituted for the conscience of the dominant aristocratic class a fall from innocence, and upturning of the natural chain of events that resounded all over Europe; the old regime became, in their imaginary, a paradise lost. This explains why some romantic poets born in the higher classes were keen on seeing themselves as faded aristocrats, expelled from their comfortable milieu by a reverse of fortune or a design of destiny. Byron and Shelley are the prime instances of this vital pose. In The Giaour he writes on a vampiric character: “The common crowd but see the gloom/ Of wayward deeds and fitting doom;/ The close observer can espy/A noble soul, and lineage high.”

Paragraph: Intro

Paragraph intro text uses Alda Regular at 24px/36px.


Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will never die, but long after we are gone be a living thing, asserting itself with ever-growing insistency. Remember that our sons and our grandsons are going to do things that would stagger us. Let your watchword be order and your beacon beauty.

Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will never die, but long after we are gone be a living thing, asserting itself with ever-growing insistency. Remember that our sons and our grandsons are going to do things that would stagger us. Let your watchword be order and your beacon beauty.

Daniel Hudson Burnham, Architect & Urban Planner
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